Friday, October 2, 2009

Do you take the toiletries that you get at hotels?

I have a minibar of stuff that I have taken from hotels. Yes, guilty as charged!

These are among the stuff that I will usually take before I leave a hotel:-

  • Soap – handy for your bathroom when you need to wash your hands and only a small soap will fit your soap holder.
  • Body wash – when you need a smell that reminds you of the time you were at ………(insert holiday destination here).
  • Shampoo – don’t they usually say that you need to change your shampoo once in a while otherwise your scalp gets used to it??
  • Shower caps – No reason to take but what the heck.
  • Moisturizer – So convenient to tuck into handbags and is a cheap and cheerful way to keep you moisturized.
  • Bedroom slippers (the ones from Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong are the best) – I will not take slippers that are thinner than paper!
  • Sewing Kits – Also another useful thing to keep in handbags to sort out small wardrobe malfunctions.
  • Razors – When you run out of your favorite hair remover, this is a lifesaver.
  • Toothbrushes – Again, I keep one in my office drawer – there are some days when I absolutely must brush after lunch. I am funny like that.

    I have a small arsenal of these things which I have accumulated over the years – some of which, like moisturizing body creams, would probably be a rancid mess sitting in my dresser drawer! (Note to self:- Check dresser drawers this weekend.)

    Why I do this I do not know but I am sure there are many of you who do this as well. It has helped in cases where I go on short trips – no need to decant into smaller containers – just pick a cocktail of the stuff I need and BAM! I am on my way. I also sometimes recycle these containers and keep them for when I do need to take something from my regular range of products that I use.

    It has also come in handy for when I need a quick dab of hand cream. I pop one of these in my handbags and whenever I change bags, I have one ready to use. When you need something or when you have run out of refills for your products – just put your paws into that magic bag of tricks and voila (!) you have what you need in a jiffy.

    How many of you take toiletries from the hotels you have visited?

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