Sunday, July 18, 2010

Idea! Storing De-Potted Lipstick

I certainly had a very productive weekend! I spent some time de-potting what seemed like a million lipsticks into a cheap container that not only saved me a ton of space for more purchases (big smile) but also gave forgotten purchases a new lease of life.

The container I used to organize my lippies is a pillbox which I nicked from my dad! He loves organizing things and this is how he organizes his medication - I guess I got the organizing gene from him! I asked dad for one of these pillboxes because he has quite a few - "just in case I need an extra" he says.

I realized that there were many lippies that were lying at the back of the drawer and I thought that this would bring most of it together in one palette and allow me to pull it out and have a look at what takes my fancy for the day. I know the box does not look posh and fancy - it is quite basic - but this is my personal collection and it works for me, so thats why I think it is a great idea. If you can get your hands on a box that is clear without the days of the week printed on them in English as well as Braille then all the better.

I used a long pen knife to de-pot the lipstick right from the bottom (because I hate wastage) and then carefully dropped the lip color into the different compartments. I then popped the row out and labelled each color with the brand and color. As you can see, each row of lipstick pops out of the main tray and I quite like the idea that I could pop out a tray and take it away whilst travelling too.

In order to use these lippies, you will need a good lip brush - just open the compartments and have a go! It is easier to mix colors to create a unique color this way too.

Most importantly, do get a container that has compartments which snap shut firmly to avoid any nasty accidents. As for the labels at the back, I used labels which I bought in a pack (these are sold cheaply at stationery stores). I use these labels for all my spices, baking ingredients as well as for the hundred little things that the children have so I always have these about the house. I am a bit anal when it comes to labelling because I also have a huge battery operated Dymo (labelling tool) that I use when I organize stuff! Remember, all pictures are clickable if you want to see them a little more clearly!


  1. Wow, what a weekend project & quite smart too! :D

  2. ohh wow!! this is an fantastic work..

    First time on your blog..:)

    following you.


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