Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hada Labo - Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing liquid

I happened to be in Jusco Wangsa Maju yesterday evening and thought I would pop by Guardian Pharmacy to check out if they carry the much raved about Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing liquid. To my surprise, they did and a small stand was set up right at the front of Guardian so you cannot miss it. I found a bottle and looked around to see if there were a few hundred women ready to pounce on the same item too because I had read that these little gems were sold out in many other places! I purchased a bottle of this and had thoughts of being greedy and buying another bottle just in case……but changed my mind. At RM 40.90, this is a very reasonably priced item and if it can do what it claims, then we have got a winner on our hands!

Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing promises to provide hydration and nourishment to the skin and the payoff is radiant and crystal clear skin. Now how many hands would go up at the promise of RADIANT and crystal CLEAR skin? I know mine will in a heartbeat.

In my teens and well into my 20’s, I had a face full of pimples and had to battle scars which were unsightly. My skin improved in my 30’s and I have a clear face with no scars now which I love. I do remember telling myself when I was younger that one day if my face became clear I would wear no makeup to show off my skin! This was because I always used to hide under thick foundations to cover up the scars and hated it! I am happy to say that I pretty much kept my promise and I do use much less now and am not afraid to leave the house with clean skin and a slick of lipgloss.

Back to Hada Labo, the function of Super Hyaluronic Acid is the ability to retain moisture and do it better than plain Hyaluronic Acid and the claim is that one gram of Hyaluronic Acid can hold up to 6 litres of water. This results in more moisture retained in the epidermis or skin thus making it soft and supple.

I used it last night before going bed and the SA said to put four drops in the palm of your hand, rub to spread it and then pat on your face. For me the four drops were too much and I ended up patting the liquid on my neck and finished it off by patting the excess on the backs of my hands. This morning I tried using three drops and that was just ideal. I am unable to comment on the claims just yet but once I have used the product for a few weeks, I will present my findings.


  1. HADA LABo - I'm not so sure about this brand earlier and i first sawthe word HADA LABO in this month Cleo mag. Thank you for sharing and now i'm getting more info about this product. Thank you Jac.

  2. I wish they'll bring this to Singapore too!

  3. Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

  4.; You saved my day again.

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