Tuesday, December 29, 2009

May you be Blessed!

Hello Readers,

December has been a really trying and busy month for me. On the good side, my husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and we went on a short holiday to Bangkok to celebrate. Its been a wonderful 10 years, with its ups and downs but more ups than downs I must assure you!

I also came home from the holiday being sick and staying sick for weeks after - it started off with sore eyes and the flu and the flu all over again!

I took time off in preparation for Christmas and only just managed to recover to bake cookies and cakes to be enjoyed by family on Christmas day. It was a curious Christmas for us in certain parts of the city - at around 6.30pm that evening, we were plunged in darkness! A call to TNB (our power suppliers) confirmed that there was a major problem at a substation nearby. So when anyone in Malaysia says "major problem" you sorta know that it is indeed major! The power was only restored at around midnight! It was a hot and humid Christmas evening indeed.

I am looking forward to the new year, dear readers, only because this blog has been a great adventure to me and it has forced me to really think about the products I use - hence the lack of posts everyday. I simply cannot bring myself to write about a product and give my views on it unless I have tried it and I can see some results or have good before and afters to show you.

I thank you for your patience and support - to Pugnes who was my only reader for the longest time and to my fellow bloggers, Vivawoman whose quest to share with us the benefits of using natural products is wonderful to ParisB who inspired me to write.

I hope that you will continue to have faith in me as I continue this journey.

I wish you all a New Year full of Blessings........

1 comment:

  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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